Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a referral?
A medical referral is not required to see a practitioner unless you are claiming the injury through a third party provider (eg. Medicare Enhanced primary Care, Workers Compensation work place injury, Injury Net, Insurance Commission of WA Motor Vehicle accident or Veteran's Affairs). Some sports insurers also require a medical referral. Private health insurers do not require a medical referral for Physiotherapy services'.
Does Medicare cover physiotherapy services?
Traditionally Medicare has not covered allied health services including physiotherapy, podiatry, psychology, etc. However the recently introduced Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) scheme now allows doctors to approve up to 5 allied health services per year on referral. Please discuss the EPC scheme with your General Practitioner.
Does private health insurance cover my treatment?
This will depend on your Insurance. Most policies with Ancillary or extras cover will provide a rebate for Physiotherapy Services. Shenton Park Physiotherapy has a HICAPS machine, so bring your health fund card with you and you will only need to pay the small gap.
What are the terms for payment and canellation?
Payment is required at the time of the consultation in the form of cash, cheque or credit card. If you need to cancel your appointment, It is requested that you provide adequate notice (at least 24 hours if possible). Please check the appointment cancellation policy at your centre, and whether fees apply for late cancellation.
How long does an appointment take?
This varies case-by-case and depends on the services you are receiving.
What do I bring to my appointment?
Please bring any referral letters and relevant test results such as X-rays.
What do I wear?
This will depend on the type of treatment you are receiving. Generally we recommend loose, comfortable clothing that will not restrict movement.